Our Industrial Division was able to see the magic that happens after you click ‘buy’ on Amazon.com. The group toured Houston’s fulfillment center where they saw first-hand how Amazon delivers to their customers from start to finish.
Across the globe, Amazon has more than 175 operating fulfillment centers and more than 150 million square feet of space, with over 110 of those facilities operating in North America, according to Amazon.com. Through advanced technology and automation, Amazon is able to meet the quick demands of their customers. Amazon’s Houston Fulfillment Center is located at 10550 Ella Boulevard, Houston , TX, 77038. Want to take the tour for yourself? Book here!

From right to left: Chris Octerbeck, Sam Rayburn, Zack Taylor, Stephen Ghedi, Jim Autenreith, Thomas Erwin, Elizabeth O’Dowd and Jason Barnes.

From right to left: Chris Ochterbeck, Elizabeth O’Dowd, Stephen Ghedi and Jason Barnes.